The Chair for Ultrafast Phenomena and Photonics, CAP and Toptica Photonics AG jointly receive the Technology Transfer Award ("Technologietransferpreis") of the German Physical Society (DFG)
(Source: Osaka University) An international team of researchers investigated the ultrafast dynamics of magnetic anisotropy in an orthoferrite using intense mid-infrared laser pulses, revealing distinct roles between electronic and lattice excitation.
Alexander-C. Heinrich wins the Best Student Paper Award (1. place) for his presentation „High-Field Multi-THz Transients Generated from a Sub-ps Yb:YAG Thin-Disk System“ at the 32. International Photonics Conference (IPC 2019) of the IEEE in San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Gabriel Fitzky wins a student award for his presentation titled „Generation of Terahertz Shockwaves“ at the conference "Optical Terahertz Science and Technology" (OTST 2019) in Santa Fe / New Mexico, USA.
Article "Controlled polar asymmetry of few-cycle and intense mid-infrared pulses" was selected for the collection "Highlights of 2016" of the Journal of Optics
Marco Fischer belegt den zweiten Platz beim 'Best Student Paper Award' für seinen herausragenden Beitrag zur internationalen Konferenz IRMMW-THz 2016 in Kopenhagen